• Deckchairs
  • An European Medical Association Approved Facility



After Endoscopic Sinus Surgery

Dressing :
Light red to clear drainage from the nose is normal for 5-10 days following surgery. The outside gauze dressing needs to be changed when soiled or saturated. A 4 x 4 gauze pad folded in half over the nostrils, held in place with a strip of paper tape is sufficient. Dressing is usually kept in place for 2 days. You are required to come to the clinic for its removal.
Packing :
Nasal packing is usually used after surgery. Do not attempt to blow the nose with packing in place. It is normal to have bad breath or small a foul odor while the packing is in place. In many cases we use packing material that slowly absorbs over time. If you have this type of packing it does not need to be removed after surgery.
Medications :
Headache, sinus, or nasal discomfort is common after surgery and you should have medication for this. Antibiotics and/or a moisturizing saline spray may be prescribed.
Activity :
No swimming or strenuous activities should be performed for 10-14 days after surgery as this might cause bleeding.You may resume your routine work from the 5th day onwards.
Diet :
Eat and drink normally. Avoid alcoholic beverages while taking medications.
Follow-up :
You will need to be seen by your doctor for follow-up every 10 days following surgery for post operative cleaning. Specific instructions will be given to you at the time of discharge. An appointment is necessary and should be made before leaving the hospital.
Saline Irrigations :
Ten days after your nasal surgery, saline irrigations are recommended to reduce crusting and to keep the sinus opening clear. Mix 1 teaspoon table salt and 1 tablespoon baking soda in ½ liter boiled, warm water. Lean over a sink and irrigate both nasal passages. Irrigate twice a day, morning and evening.
Call the doctor or come immediately if any of the following occur:
  • Excessive, bright red bleeding
  • A lot of clear watery drainage form the nose, or profuse salty tasting drainage down the throat
  • Double or blurred vision
  • Decreased ability to move or close eyes, or eye pain
  • Fever over 101 degrees Fahrenheit
  • Stiffness or pain in the neck or decreased alertness

If you have any questions or concerns, please call the Clinic. Please speak to either the assistant ENT surgeons or Dr. Sanjay after 4:00 pm. If you desire to speak to Dr. Ashim Desai, please call between 8:00pm and 10:00 pm.