• Deckchairs
  • An European Medical Association Approved Facility

Vertigo Clinic

Vertigo Clinic

We use (VNG) technologies for testing inner earand central motor function. VNG testing is considered the new standard for testing inner ear functions.VNG measures the movements of the eye directly through infrared cameras.VNG test is more accurate, more consistent,and more comfortable for the patient.

VNG test is used to determine if a vestibular(inner ear) disease may be causing a balance or dizzeness problem,and is one of the only test available today that can decipher between a unilateral(one ear)and bilateral(both ears) vestibular loss.this test also address the functionality of each ear and if a vestibular deficit may be the cause of dizziness or balance problem. to moniter the movements of the eyes,infrred googles are placed around the eye to record eye movement during testing.VNG tesing is non-invasive .There are four main parts to a VNG test :

  • Ocular Mobility : You will be asked to have your eye follow objects that jump from palce to palce, stand still or move smoothly.
  • Optokinetic Nystagmus : You will be asked to view a large,continuously moving visual image to see if your eye can appropriately track these movements.
  • Positional Nystagums : The technician will move your head and body into various position to make sure that there are no inappropriate eye movements (nystagums), when your head is in different position.This test is looking at your inner ear system and the condition of the endolymph fluid in semi-circular canals.
  • Caloric Testing : The technician will stimulate both of your inner ears (one at a time with) warm and then cold air.They will be monitoring the movements of your eyes using googles to make sure tha both of your ears can sense this stimulation.This test in the only test available that can decipher between a unilateral and bilateral loss.